Links of Interest to Gardeners
The links below are provided for your interest and convenience. Check out their websites!
HPS Member Garden Blogs Horticultural Organizations Public Gardens Other Hardy Plant Society Groups Educational Sites HPS/MAG Links Policy
HPS Members Garden Blogs
Eva Monheim
Sharee Solow
Katherine Tracey
Carol Verhake
Carolyn Walker
Horticultural Organizations
American Conifer Society (Northeast Region)
Delaware Center for Horticulture
Delaware Valley Chapter of the Rock Garden Society
Delaware Valley Daylily Society
Delaware Fern and Wildflower Society
Delaware Valley Hosta Society
Delaware Valley Iris Society
Garden Writers Association
The Garden Conservancy
The Herb Society of America PA Heartland Unit
The Herb Society of America Philadelphia Unit
Horticultural Society of Maryland
Mid-Atlantic Peony Society
Penn State Master Gardeners
Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
Wissahickon Valley Watershed Association
Public Gardens in the Mid-Atlantic Region (NY, PA, NJ, WV, DE, MD)
Awbury Arboretum
Andalusia Foundation
Bard College - The Arboretum
Brandywine Conservancy
Greenwood Gardens
Haverford College Arboretum
The Henry Foundation for Botanical Research
Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens
Longwood Gardens
Morris Arboretum
Mt. Cuba Center and Mt Cuba Plant Trials (Important info for every mid-Atlantic Gardener)
Natural Lands Trust
Nature Conservancy in Pennsylvania
Nemours Mansion and Gardens
PHS Meadowbrook Farm
The Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College
Stonecrop Gardens
Tyler Arboretum
University of Delaware Botanic Gardens
Winterthur Museum, Gardens & Library
Public Gardens Outside of Mid-Atlantic Region
Berkshire Botanical Garden
Green Spring Gardens
Huntsville Botanical Garden
Norfolk Botanical Garden
US Botanical Garden
Other Hardy Plant Society Groups
Hardy Plant Group Willamette Valley
Hardy Plant Society Oregon
Hardy Plant Society Salem
Hardy Plant Society Wisconsin
Educational Sites
Hosta Library
Landscape Plants Rated by Deer Resistance (Rutgers University)
Mt Cuba Plant Trials (Important info for every mid-Atlantic Gardener)
National Gardening Association Plant Care Guides
Penn State Extension
USDA Plants Database
HPS/MAG Policy on Links
The Hardy Plant Society/Mid-Atlantic Group has editorial control over which links are included on this website. Links that may be included on the webpage are sites of non-profit, horticulture-related organizations, such as societies, botanical gardens, and educational institutions. HPS/MAG Members are invited to share links that are consistent with HPS/MAG's policy on links by emailing them to [email protected].